Let’s face it, some times accounts get stale.

Sometimes they’re run internally, and a different perspective is needed.

Or, unfortunately, there are agencies that leave clients feeling preeeetttyyyy sure something ain’t right.

Audits provide an unbiased third-party perspective on your Google Ads ad Facebook Ads efforts.

Do You Do Them For Free, Like Some Agencies?


Many agencies offer quick, skim-only audits as a quick way to sell you coming on board with them.

That is not how my audits operate, because my audits are not a sales tool to get management clients.

I have strict bandwidth and rules on clients I will take for ongoing management, and the roster is usually full already via referrals.

My audits are a workable document with a blueprint that you, your team, or your current agency can follow. They are not a doorway to pressure from me trying to sign you as a client.

What’s In An Audit?

Typically, paid media audits cover the following:

  • Account structure (campaign & ad group structural strategy)
  • Campaign types
  • Settings enabled/not enabled
  • Keyword choices (for paid search)
  • Interest targeting (for Facebook)
  • Custom Audiences (for Facebook)
  • Ad copy
  • Landing page experience
  • Bidding mechanisms
  • Ad creative choices (for Facebook)
  • Geographical considerations
  • And more!

Audits usually wind up being about 20+ pages.

The Audit Process

Step 1: Kick-Off Call

This helps me understand the background of the account, challenges or specific things you would like really dug into, and any other relevant information about tracking or your business.

I also confirm what your goals are, so I can evaluate based on those.

Step 2: Susan Gets to Work

Audits typically take a couple weeks. They involve many hours of pulling spreadsheets, analyzing data, checking setups, options, and everything in-between.

Step 3: You Receive the Audit & We Schedule a Time

You will receive your document ahead of time, so you can review and digest everything. We will set up an hour phone call to review the document together, and I can answer any questions you have, along with giving some context for anything you’re curious about.

Additional hours can be purchased subsequently if needed.


Audits start at $3,000. Total price is dependent on account size, and which platforms need to be audited.